Did you have check out about Blog.Tv ?
This time i want to review about bunch of services which allow you to stream live video for free to whoever wants to watch. Yes, its maybe similar with youtube.com(*from google) or godtube.com(*christian video) for share some video as free.
Me and maybe all of you have interested in these services, as i enjoy hosting live talk shows online. So far, i have success using a commercial service. And all things is i have doin at home. I had love to have accsess to a free service and maybe some cheap one of some services. Something that i thing worthy to pay.
Anyway, I have got some recomend from my friends, a blogger and netpreneur. He encouraged me to check out live show so, i just want to review about some service of this one. Because this is some blog i have made for sharing about something related with computer and internet. So i thing it will be have relation about live tv that i wanted to talk about.
Actually Blog TV allows you for:
- Two video sources at once, with the option of the person who initiated the session to change the 2nd source at will. That means I can host the show from Washington DC and have a cohost on live if they are in Timbuktu. And then I can switch to a correspondent in Kalamazoo. That is cool. One thing that is interesting is that the viewer can control who’s video is displayed bigger, the host or the cohost. This one i call like live broadcast
- Text chat. All viewers and hosts can text chat in real time. This allows for very fun and productive interaction.
- Ability to webcast whenever. No need to preschedule your show
- It is free